Course on USB




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Details Of the Certification Courses on USB
Module I – Introductory to Vedic Sciences
You will learn how the ancient Vedic texts, such as the rig Veda and the other Vedas led to other groups of texts, such as the Upahishads and Brahmanas. Then, how those texts led to the Puranas ( those that explain deities such as Lord Shiva, etc.). Then, how they lead to the great classics such as the Maha Barata and the Ramaya., And how those texts eventually led to the great Vedic sciences, such as yoga, Ayurveda and Vedic astrology.Universal principles such as the five elements, the 3 GUnas, The Chakras, Koshas, Karma and Dharma will be discussed at length, giving a large frame for the Vedic astrology practice. It is impossible to grasp the Vedic concepts without this knowledge and understanding of the history of Santana Dharma, Indian philosophy.
Topics Covered:
* The History of Vedic Culture and Literature.
* The philosophy of Sanatana Dharma and the resultant structures and sciences it has produced.
* The Vedic Sciences, as the formalizing of Santana Dharma into Sciences of living.
* Evolution of Vedic Astrology, from its Vedic roots / Naksatra based, to the form we now recognize.
Module II – Planets and Their Signs
You will learn how the Vedic sciences, studied in the previous module, begin to form Vedic astrology. First, we go very deeply into each planet and the signs that planet rules.Universal principles such as masculine and feminine, the gunas, elements, are reaffirmed. Also, principles unique to the astrology signs are focused on in greater depth. They include, the modalities, the castes.
There’s a great emphasis on looking at “planets and signs”. We are looking at charts the entire course, beginning with this module. Thus, immediately you learn how to compare Gunas, elements, modalities and motivations between planets and signs.
Other important concepts include the planetary order in how spirit takes form, exultation and debilitation points are examined in the synthesis is achieved as planets and signs are compared and contrasted with each other.
Topics Covered:
Week 1. General Planetary Attributes – Sun/Leo – Moon/Cancer are discussed. Confidence, connection and family or childish displays and tantrums.
Week 2. Mars and Signs are discussed. Courage and discipline or anger and hostility.
Week 3. Mercury and His Signs are discussed. Skill and flexibility or mindless stimulation and trivia.
Week 4. Jupiter and His Signs are discussed. Meaning and hope or
Week 5. Venus and Her Signs – The Seductive one enchants us all
Week 6. Saturn and His Signs – The Old man – the bringer of wisdom and truth – Keeping it real
Module III – Houses, Nodes and More
Topics Covered
Week 1 – Astrology Houses 1 through 4 Examined in Detail. The unfolding of Self and those Anchoring Processes
Week 2 – Astrology Houses 5-8 Examined in Detail. The unfolding of relationship with others and the Anchoring Processes
Week 3 – Houses 9 -12 Examined in Detail. The unfolding of our relations to the universe and the Anchoring Processes
Week 4 – Rahu and Ketu Examined in Detail (an overview). See Rahu / Ketu Course for More Detail.
Week 5 – Anchoring Conditions: Combustion and Retrograde Examined in Detail. Anchoring Techniques w/ Houses
Week 6 – Review and Application of Universal Astrology 1 and 2
Module IV – Vedic Astrology Methods – 1
Only now that we begin approaching the purely “Vedic” methods. At this point the course starts to get more complicated as you will actually learn how to do the calculations for planetary dignity. You will also start to learn the complex and subtle rules for house lordship.
Also, we spend several weeks integrating Nakshatra’s into your astrological understanding. But we go further than just rote memorization. You’re taught how to actually use a Nakshatra’s in chart analysis, by redoubling our efforts on the deities of the Nakshatra’s and what do they trigger in their dasa cycles.
In addition, we start getting into planetary aspects and yogas. These two very important functional aspects of Vedic astrology begin to prepare us for actual chart analysis.
8 Classes – 6 Assignments and two calls
Topics Covered
Week 1 –Planetary Dignity –
Week 1- Planets as House Rulers –
Week 1- Nakshatras 1
Week 1- Nakshatras 2
Week 1- Planetary Aspects
Week 1- Important Yogas
Module V – Deeper Vedic Methods 2
In this module you will learn more advanced applications of yogas, and how to apply them within the structure of the dashas, in conjunction with planetary transits. In addition we will begin to apply the same principles in a harmonic charts and explore more advanced concepts and yogas, such as Vipareet Raja Yogas – Neecha Banga Yogas.In many ways, this module is preparing for the level II certification course as well. There is a lot of practice and integration of the earlier modules as we look toward level two.
8 Classes – 6 Assignments and two calls
Topics Covered
Week 1 – Vimshottari Dasa Overview
Week 2 – Character and Dasa Case Study
Week 3 – Additional Important Yogas
Week 4 – Vipareet Raja Yogas – Neecha Banga Yogas
Week 5 – Harmonic Chart Studies
Week 6 – Transits and Triggering of Karmas
#1 Quantum Vedic Astrology Course
#3 – Meditation and Manifestation Course
In this course I share the exercises I used to jump-start my astrology practice.

What Students Are Saying
Don’t just take it from me, read what the graduates are saying.
So, Let’s Recap This Deal:
(But Hurry The Clock is Ticking)
I began studying the Vedic Sciences when I was 19 years old, in 1983. At that time I started a meditation practice, based on the books of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (later known as Osho). I was really a lost soul back then – a child of divorce with much confusion and heartbreak. At the time, these meditations and practices saved my life. It prepared me for a life long study of Vedic sciences. I continued that meditation practice until this day – now studying with my sat Guru Ammachi.
In between, the 30 years that have passed between Rajneesh and Amma, the world changed a lot – and so did I. Through the 80’s and much of the 90’s the world was still in the “old paradigm” of communication – meaning NO INTERNET. The world was a lot different – especially as it related to things such as spirituality and the worlds of East and West sharing their cultural and spiritual traditions.
Actually, I Was Really Lost
During that time, I continued my Indian studies practices, in anonymity, all the while half heartedly pursuing a musical career. In truth, I was lost most of those years as I had no interest in committing to a career / making a living in the world, unless I could do what I wanted. So I worked in sales jobs, I would drink and smoke and was basically living the “tortured artist” life. Outer circumstances were not supporting my inner life and by the late 90’s, I was sinking and I felt like I was running out of options. I never went to college, minus a year of electives and French classes – mainly motivated by falling in love with a French girl 😉 – because I was interested in metaphysics.
Sudden Change and Redemption and The New Paradigm
In 2001, while I was working in a sales job, a great thing happened, I was fired (actually we were all let go,downsized). While grown men were crying, having lost a 100K / year job suddenly, I was ecstatic. I quickly did the math and realized, including severance pay and unemployment, I had about 3 years to start over and do something new and I knew exactly what that was – Yoga and Vedic astrology. As the internet had changed the world and opened things up for online businesses and communications, I had begun studying astrology and Yoga in earnest again and was hopeful to help people.
I no longer felt like this weird guy interested in bewildering Indian science and spirituality. I started an email list, as there were more and more people interested in learning about these sciences. I saw all around me people trying their best to awaken to the mystical truths of the East, but just not really getting it. For instance, “The Law of Karma” is a totally empowering concept. It essentially says that you are responsible for everything and the things that limit and frame your life are the result of the limitations you have imagined and then acted upon.
But instead, filtered through our modern misunderstanding, the law of Karma is often rejected due to the wrong notion that it is unempowering and “lording over us” somehow – like a system of carrots and sticks being wielded by unseen, believed in, overlords. Sadly, Vedic astrologers often frame “The Planets” as these oppressive overlords. Often western Vedic astrologers will rebel against that notion – citing our freewill as being able to overcome it. Whereas Indians fall more in line with the “Overlord” part of it, seeing astrology as a way to make us resigned to our fate / punishment, etc. Western side says “fight, use the ego” – Eastern side says “accept and take it”.
“Great” I thought, “this is what I have to work with”?
In Search of A Better Way and The Moment I Decided To Be An Astrologer
By 2004, I had been studying Vedic astrology fervently and felt it was being taught very sloppily – either by Westerners who lacked an authentic Vedic background or by Indians who were too Dogmatic and religious about it. I also noticed that many of the techniques being taught were not very precise at all, did not work consistently and were not repeatable. Teachers would use the same selected charts, then when I tried to apply their simplistic techniques, I found they did not work.
I attended a class by a well-known Astrologer and we were looking at Hitler’s chart. I noticed that Hitler Dasas (planetary cycles) seemed to make no sense- based on what the person was teaching. So I asked how that timing would work in the case of Hitler’s chart and the answer was totally unsatisfactory. I knew this person did not really know what they were talking about, beyond personality stuff, etc. – and I thought they should know better, given their status.
The truth is, this was not uncommon – for a professional astrologer / teacher to not really have the precise methods of Vedic astrology down pat enough to actually teach them and welcome all to share their charts or experiences and break things down scientifically (which is something I am a stickler for). In any class I teach I welcome spontaneous chart examples – anything less is not professional.
The astrology of over-simplicity (Good/Bad), a lack of discrimination applied between how our karma feels and what actually happens (you look at totally different things for feelings than you do for results) set me off on a deep personal inquiry into Vedic astrology.
(*NOTE – I do not intend to disparage anyone’s work, but I need to be truthful)
At first I researched every thing imaginable – tested it all – Ashtakavarga, Shad Bala, Gochara, other Modern Forms of Vedic astrology. Like most, I thought the hidden answers must lie in these complicated, bewildering techniques. Boy was I wrong! Instead, I found them empty and unintuitive. This is not to say those methods are useless. No, not at all. They are for very subtle work and I use them when needed.
Eventually I returned to the roots – the roots of my 30 year Vedic studies practice – the roots of astrology and all healing systems. I just focused on the core, Vedic concepts in astrology – and went as deeply into what was universal – not just to Vedic astrology, but also to Yoga and other astrology systems. These Universal principles are the wise forces of the Universe that creates everything. They are all benevolent and they are not just Indian. They are expressed in all spiritual traditions and astrology / healing systems.
Going Deeper – Not Wider – Led To Amazing Discoveries
This was a great time of research, leading me in to into just the first few Chapters in Maharishi Parahsara’s Hora Sastra – and synthesizing several of the important factors into a 3D approach to the Zodiac – Planets, Signs and Houses and their true meaning. This is like learning the important, vital bodily systems first – before trying to diagnose illness. This research led to my first book, “The Ascendant-108 Planets of Vedic Astrology”.
Then a few years later I codified a lot of my studies of these Universal astrology concepts into a system called “Universal Astrology”. I decided that everything I was going to teach would have to be backed up by the words of the Maharishi Parashara. So all of my classes in natal astrology, like you will be studying, are backed up by the text – and they are used in the course – without exception.
Vedic Astrology Certification, the Vedic Sciences and YOU
In 2008 I decided to teach a full certification program, called “Universal Astrology”, which as based on the pure Vedic Sciences, which are also the same “Universal Principles” embedded in every spiritual tradition and system. This was a 4 module course, consisting of 52 hours of course material. More than 100 people have bought those classes. Later I was hired by the Indian mystic Dattatreya Siva Baba (an important Guru to Wayne Dyer) to teach the same system, after he looked over the classes. You are getting the recordings of those classes free as a bonus when you register for this certification course.
Reluctantly, I decided to teach these courses again, in real time, as I have been asked for years to teach it again. This time when I teach the Astrology Certification Course, I am going to begin with this comprehensive Vedic Science course, rather than just a 2 hour class on it as I did the first time. It is impossible to practice Vedic astrology without knowing the Vedic principles. So, this time I am dedicating an entire four weeks to teaching the Vedic principles – and its history, culture and the relationship of Vedic astrology to other astrology systems.
Certification Levels and Testing.
At the end of this first course you will be eligible to take the Level1 Certification test. If you pass with a mark of 80% or better you will receive the level 1 Certification through the American Academy of Vedic Art and Science. This will certify that you have sufficiently demonstrated skill in understanding the mechanics and workings of Vedic astrology.
Should you decide to seek an advanced, Level 2 Certification, the course work and tests for that will also be available. The Level 2 Certification program was also a great success.
These Classes Will Teach You:
How to stop playing the victim and instead stay on purpose in your life and transform your wavering self-esteem and self-respect into consistent confidence. Once you learn this you will be unstoppable in all of your life goals. It is all a matter of staying on purpose. (Week 5)
How to ward off the tendency for passive aggression and childish behavior. This is crucial in learning to connect a greater empathy and compassion, rather than being overwhelmed by toxic emotions. This includes toxic emotional entanglements with others. (Week 5)
Invaluable information on managing anger so it doesn’t destroy your life and connections. You are meant to burn your karma in the fire of anger. But instead you may burn up your good graces. Learn the evolutionary process of how anger becomes discipline, making you fearless in all situations. (Week 6)
The most important key in unlocking the hidden power of the intellect, so rather than being overwhelmed by details you are the master of them. Astrology is the great science of the intellect. The first step is learning astrology properly, so I commend you for making a commitment to this course.. (Week 7)
The simple, but invaluable difference that allows you know for sure how a planet will feel versus what it will produce. This trips up most astrologers (and it is not even that hard to see). This is the source of so much “bad” astrology. Meaning, how a planet feels (it’s gentle or cruel nature) has nothing to do with how much benefit or loss. (Jagraad Avasthas Class)
How to know whether Rahu and Ketu are going to be disruptive forces, or incredibly liberating ones. Most astrologers have no idea how to predict what the nodes will actually do, but you will after this class. It is utterly crucial to understand these transformative forces. You can do entire readings just on the lunar nodes. (Nodes Class)
How to evolve your relationships. This is one of the reasons you suffer the most in life. Mastering this yourself will allow you to see the type of suffering each individual will have. Then you can help them as well. The choices you face between the desire for personal happiness, compromise with others and your higher life’s purpose is never-ending and a big reason you are here at all. (Weeks 8-9)
How “having an open mind/being neutral” can be both a blessing and a curse. It gives you an open mind, but may also leaves you open to impure influences. Connecting your natural curiosity with the mind of God. Examining the choices you face between openness and single-minded focus will be ripped apart and reorganized. (Weeks 7-8)
How to exist in a powerful solitude, rather than feeling lonely and at the mercy of others, brooding over those who have hurt you in the past. Instead of carrying around your wounds and projecting them onto others, or fearfully avoiding “button pushing” situations, you can travel lightly. This is important, otherwise at the end of your life you will be bitter and resentful, rather than gracious, spacious, complete and ready to surrender. (Week 10)
So much more, from learning the real reason why you create enemies and its hidden connection to your career, to why certain astrology signs move a certain way, and even look a certain way, to the very technical yet easy system of Yogas based on ruler ships, to knowing exactly what to focus on and when so you’re not constantly confused and just smashing everything together. (Weeks 7-8)