Crazy Story About How “Naked Yoga” Clarified My Astrology Career
The Spaces are filling up. and I am about to halt registrations.
Two Plans are available. So pick what works best for you.
Alexis Cox - Level 3 Graduate and Tutor
Malini Iyer Phd - Level 3 Grad | Tutor
Rae Ann Banker - Level 1 Graduate
In the Course You Get:
The Entire 5 Module Course
~ Spiritual Sciences
~ Planets and Signs
~ Houses and More
~ Calculations
~ Predictions

5 Bonus Courses
~ Spiritual secrets of Astrology
~ Quantum Vedic Astrology
~ Meditation Course
~ Yoga and Vedic Astrology
~ Lunar Nodes Course

ISSUES: Schedule, Money, Time
- PROVEN: More than 250 Graduates in 5 years of Courses
- EASY: Learn at your own pace – ideally 2-3 Hours Per Week and You can be a Certified Vedic Astrologer
- CONVENIENT: Forget the Schedule – Study at your own pace, with as much support as you want or need
- CONNECTED: Unlimited Access in the Online Forum (in the Full Access program) so ALL of your questions get answered
- CONNECTED 2: Regular Conference calls (each month or every 3 months)
- AFFORDABLE: I leverage the power of the internet for maximum affordability – Pay in Full or easy installments.
- TRADITIONAL LEARNING: 1 consistent voice / system – rather than teachers contradicting each other.
- PERSONAL CONNECTION TO TEACHER: Personal Check-in Calls with Sam to make sure you get the material. (in the Full Access program)
But is this Course for YOU?
Who benefits the most from the Certification Course?

Details Of the Certification Course
Module I - Who Are You What is Astrology?
Why and How Does Astrology Work?
What do those big rocks moving around have to do with you?
If you do not know this you will never be able to make sense of astrology, and maybe not even your life.
You Will Learn:
- Astrology shows your evolving spiritual nature. You need to know this otherwise Astrology can just create more stress and worry.
- Stop worrying about your chart and your family's chart.
- Know for certain how "Spirit Takes Form" as you.
- Learn your life purpose. Take a deep-dive into Karma and Spiritual Evolution.
- The Vedic Sciences of Yoga, Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology as the formalizing of Spirituality into the Sciences of life.
- 4 Classes
Module II - Not Wasting Your Time and Your Life
You will learn:
- Greater confidence and connection and overcome childish displays and tantrums. (Sun/Leo - Moon/Cancer Class)
- How Courage and discipline evolves from anger and hostility. (Mars and Signs Class)
- How Skill and flexibility evolves from mindless stimulation and trivia. (Mercury and His Signs Class)
- Greater meaning and hope beyond blind Faith. Astrology is NOT religion (Jupiter and His Signs Class)
- Finding true happiness, not just personal pleasure and time-wasting relationships (Venus and Her Signs Class)
- Evolving your fears into commitments, success and greatness. (Saturn and His Signs Class)
- 6 Master Classes
Module III - Getting the Most of Your Career, Relationships
You will learn:
- You need to know yourself first, only then can you know your creative purpose and stop wasting time (Dharma Class)
- Earning a Living in accordance with that purpose is Key - Learn how to live in abundance and why you are stuck with money issues. (Artha Class)
- Enjoying life is important, but do you have a healthy relationship with your desires or are you stuck in painful attachments? (Kama Class)
- Letting go of it all and evolving without painful attachments is the key to life. You must know this in order to evolve. (Moksha Class)
- Learn why you keep making the same mistakes over and over and how to channel confusion into deep wisdom and insight.
- Know Thyself First. Discover the ACTUAL process of Self-growth, through Experience, Values, Self-Will and Surrender. This is SO important
- Evolving your relationships with others, why you argue, why we obsess and what the Soul is actually trying to learn With Other.
- Learning out true spiritual Self and mainly how to let go of your FALSE SELF and self-deception.
Module IV - Gaining Confidence to Do Astrology
The Important Calculations You Must Know
Now you are really moving and your confidence is growing
You will learn:
- The main calculation that shows whether our Karma leads to greater awareness and growth, or greater confusion. (planetary dignity class)
- Connecting to your stellar nature, as seen by the Nakshatra’s. We are indeed made of stars, but how does it work? (Nakshatra’s class)
- Learn the story of creation played out in the sky. The zodiac itself is a divine matrix. (Nakshatra’s class)
- Unravel the connections between the planets, and how they confirm your inner conflicts or inner strengths. (Astrology aspects class)
- Astrological placements that show your greatness, that reveals where you can be a king in your own life (Raja yoga class)
- 6 Classes
Module V - Divine Timing and Getting Ready For Level II
Pulling it Together, Karma's Ripening and Building a Practice
A deeper relationship to timing and holistically integrating different astrological principles is the focus of this module.
You will learn:
- Why things that look bad in the chart turn out much better than expected.
- The important principal that “everything is added”, which takes you beyond the simplistic judgments that bog down other astrologers.
- Precise timing methods and principles that work every time, so you always know what is happening and why.
- Connecting the birth chart, and the timing cycles with the planets in the sky.
- Case studies integrating the Vedic astrology principles you have learned so far.
- 6 classes total
4 Killer Bonuses Available Immediately
#1 Quantum Vedic Astrology Course - 10 hours
"How Astrology shows your brain, inner conflicts and how that creates your Karma and your World"
- The astrology chart shows how your brain is formed and your conditioning (Astrology and Neuroscience).
- That brain/conditioning creates the world over and over again forcing one situation to emerge from the infinite possibilities. (Astrology / Karma and Quantum Physics).
In this very popular course I describe the connections between the philosophy of Vedic astrology, and yoga and how it forms your personality and brain (neuroscience) and how that brain creates your external world on the quantum level (quantum physics).
I describe:
- Every planet in relationship to every other one, and the inner conflicts or inner strengths revealed by the birth chart.
- Your three brains, and why your inner reptile (fear and domination) is usually calling the shots.
- Very important! - I go deeply into the nature of karma, as our past conditioning arriving in the present moment. Then that present moment creating our world. The truth is, the law of attraction Should be called "The law of attention

You either see the value or not - but you need to act
(Only 25 "Full Access" programs available)
What Students Are Saying
Don’t just take it from me, read what the graduates are saying.
“I am a yoga teacher with a strong background in Ayurveda and this course allowed me to begin to fully grasp the Vedic knowledge in its wholeness. Sam’s approach to teaching this vast and seemingly complicated science is to build our knowledge piece by piece on a solid foundation of the basic principles of all the Vedic sciences.“
I started learning about Vedic Astrology in 2006 but it wasn?t until Sam?s class in 2012 that all the pieces of the puzzle came together for me. I was looking for someone to help me understand the structure of Vedic Astrology not just facts and about the time I finished his book ?The Ascendant ? 108 Planets of Vedic Astrology? he decided to offer his class.
“There’s a lot of information to take in and Sam breaks down the details into bite-sized chunks to make learning easier. I have learnt so much since I started the course in August and now have a better understanding of the vedic culture and history. “
I’m blessed: after about 4 years of reading, researching Jyotish and feeling somewhat intimidated by its greatness, I made the life-changing decision of studying with Sam for a proper certification. I wanted to study with my guru, Dattatreya Siva Baba, founder of Astroved, but he was not available. When he recommended Sam, I made that decision out of trust in my guru.
“I first began studying “Systems Approach” Vedic astrology in 2002, but it seemed like it raised more questions than it answered. Does this feeling sound familiar? No matter how much you read, whether it’s Western or Vedic astrology, you just get more and more confused — until you meet Sam Sadasiva Geppi.
My primary goal and experience was not about gaining another certificate and becoming a Vedic Astrologer, it was to seek an astrological map through which I could reveal the secrets hidden in my karmic code and begin to unravel all the latent psychological tendencies that were keeping me from realizing my highest ?Self.? I highly recommend Sam?s courses!
So, Let’s Recap This Deal:
(But Hurry The Clock is Ticking)
I began studying the Vedic Sciences when I was 19 years old, in 1983. At that time I started a meditation practice, based on the books of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (later known as Osho). I was really a lost soul back then – a child of divorce with much confusion and heartbreak. At the time, these meditations and practices saved my life. It prepared me for a life long study of Vedic sciences. I continued that meditation practice until this day – now studying with my sat Guru Ammachi.
In between, the 30 years that have passed between Rajneesh and Amma, the world changed a lot – and so did I. Through the 80’s and much of the 90’s the world was still in the “old paradigm” of communication – meaning NO INTERNET. The world was a lot different – especially as it related to things such as spirituality and the worlds of East and West sharing their cultural and spiritual traditions.
Actually, I Was Really Lost
During that time, I continued my Indian studies practices, in anonymity, all the while half heartedly pursuing a musical career. In truth, I was lost most of those years as I had no interest in committing to a career / making a living in the world, unless I could do what I wanted. So I worked in sales jobs, I would drink and smoke and was basically living the “tortured artist” life. Outer circumstances were not supporting my inner life and by the late 90’s, I was sinking and I felt like I was running out of options. I never went to college, minus a year of electives and French classes – mainly motivated by falling in love with a French girl 😉 – because I was interested in metaphysics.
Sudden Change and Redemption and The New Paradigm
In 2001, while I was working in a sales job, a great thing happened, I was fired (actually we were all let go,downsized). While grown men were crying, having lost a 100K / year job suddenly, I was ecstatic. I quickly did the math and realized, including severance pay and unemployment, I had about 3 years to start over and do something new and I knew exactly what that was – Yoga and Vedic astrology. As the internet had changed the world and opened things up for online businesses and communications, I had begun studying astrology and Yoga in earnest again and was hopeful to help people.
I no longer felt like this weird guy interested in bewildering Indian science and spirituality. I started an email list, as there were more and more people interested in learning about these sciences. I saw all around me people trying their best to awaken to the mystical truths of the East, but just not really getting it. For instance, “The Law of Karma” is a totally empowering concept. It essentially says that you are responsible for everything and the things that limit and frame your life are the result of the limitations you have imagined and then acted upon.
But instead, filtered through our modern misunderstanding, the law of Karma is often rejected due to the wrong notion that it is unempowering and “lording over us” somehow – like a system of carrots and sticks being wielded by unseen, believed in, overlords. Sadly, Vedic astrologers often frame “The Planets” as these oppressive overlords. Often western Vedic astrologers will rebel against that notion – citing our freewill as being able to overcome it. Whereas Indians fall more in line with the “Overlord” part of it, seeing astrology as a way to make us resigned to our fate / punishment, etc. Western side says “fight, use the ego” – Eastern side says “accept and take it”.
“Great” I thought, “this is what I have to work with”?
In Search of A Better Way and The Moment I Decided To Be An Astrologer
By 2004, I had been studying Vedic astrology fervently and felt it was being taught very sloppily – either by Westerners who lacked an authentic Vedic background or by Indians who were too Dogmatic and religious about it. I also noticed that many of the techniques being taught were not very precise at all, did not work consistently and were not repeatable. Teachers would use the same selected charts, then when I tried to apply their simplistic techniques, I found they did not work.
I attended a class by a well-known Astrologer and we were looking at Hitler’s chart. I noticed that Hitler Dasas (planetary cycles) seemed to make no sense- based on what the person was teaching. So I asked how that timing would work in the case of Hitler’s chart and the answer was totally unsatisfactory. I knew this person did not really know what they were talking about, beyond personality stuff, etc. – and I thought they should know better, given their status.
The truth is, this was not uncommon – for a professional astrologer / teacher to not really have the precise methods of Vedic astrology down pat enough to actually teach them and welcome all to share their charts or experiences and break things down scientifically (which is something I am a stickler for). In any class I teach I welcome spontaneous chart examples – anything less is not professional.
The astrology of over-simplicity (Good/Bad), a lack of discrimination applied between how our karma feels and what actually happens (you look at totally different things for feelings than you do for results) set me off on a deep personal inquiry into Vedic astrology.
(*NOTE – I do not intend to disparage anyone’s work, but I need to be truthful)
At first I researched every thing imaginable – tested it all – Ashtakavarga, Shad Bala, Gochara, other Modern Forms of Vedic astrology. Like most, I thought the hidden answers must lie in these complicated, bewildering techniques. Boy was I wrong! Instead, I found them empty and unintuitive. This is not to say those methods are useless. No, not at all. They are for very subtle work and I use them when needed.
Eventually I returned to the roots – the roots of my 30 year Vedic studies practice – the roots of astrology and all healing systems. I just focused on the core, Vedic concepts in astrology – and went as deeply into what was universal – not just to Vedic astrology, but also to Yoga and other astrology systems. These Universal principles are the wise forces of the Universe that creates everything. They are all benevolent and they are not just Indian. They are expressed in all spiritual traditions and astrology / healing systems.
Going Deeper – Not Wider – Led To Amazing Discoveries
This was a great time of research, leading me in to into just the first few Chapters in Maharishi Parahsara’s Hora Sastra – and synthesizing several of the important factors into a 3D approach to the Zodiac – Planets, Signs and Houses and their true meaning. This is like learning the important, vital bodily systems first – before trying to diagnose illness. This research led to my first book, “The Ascendant-108 Planets of Vedic Astrology”.
Then a few years later I codified a lot of my studies of these Universal astrology concepts into a system called “Universal Astrology”. I decided that everything I was going to teach would have to be backed up by the words of the Maharishi Parashara. So all of my classes in natal astrology, like you will be studying, are backed up by the text – and they are used in the course – without exception.
Vedic Astrology Certification, the Vedic Sciences and YOU
In 2008 I decided to teach a full certification program, called “Universal Astrology”, which as based on the pure Vedic Sciences, which are also the same “Universal Principles” embedded in every spiritual tradition and system. This was a 4 module course, consisting of 52 hours of course material. More than 100 people have bought those classes. Later I was hired by the Indian mystic Dattatreya Siva Baba (an important Guru to Wayne Dyer) to teach the same system, after he looked over the classes. You are getting the recordings of those classes free as a bonus when you register for this certification course.
Reluctantly, I decided to teach these courses again, in real time, as I have been asked for years to teach it again. This time when I teach the Astrology Certification Course, I am going to begin with this comprehensive Vedic Science course, rather than just a 2 hour class on it as I did the first time. It is impossible to practice Vedic astrology without knowing the Vedic principles. So, this time I am dedicating an entire four weeks to teaching the Vedic principles – and its history, culture and the relationship of Vedic astrology to other astrology systems.
Certification Levels and Testing.
At the end of 6 months (and every 6 months thereafter) you will be eligible to take the Level1 Certification test. If you pass with a mark of 80% or better you will receive the level 1 Certification through the American Academy of Vedic Art and Science. This will certify that you have sufficiently demonstrated skill in understanding the mechanics and workings of Vedic astrology.
Should you decide to seek an advanced, Level 2 Certification, the course work and tests for that will also be available. The Level 2 Certification program was also a great success.
