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Dear astrology students,
If you want to:
- Hopefully, Bring more Joy, enthusiasm and patience to your interactions with family and friends (this implies that you actually APPLY the teachings)
- Learn more about reading your astrology chart
- Be able to Integrate astrology in your day-to-day life
- Understand the past and the future with more clarity
- Get perspective and insight into this crazy world we live in
,.. then please check out everything I have on this webpage.
The methods and teachings I describe have been proven over and over again by hundreds of graduating students!
Who is this site for?
- Beginning Vedic Astrology students – you will see your understanding of Vedic astrology accelerate at rocket speed, with the daily forecasts and the twice weekly updates.
- Advanced Vedic Astrology students – You will see all of the methods you have heard about, but are unclear about using, implemented with the proper balance and precision.
- Yoga teachers of practitioners – You will see the connection between yoga philosophy and the Cosmos, that makes karma’s ripen, both individually and collectively.
- Those interested in Spiritual development – You will connect to the source of all “Spirit”, the universe itself and see how a reconnection to the rhythms of nature and the cosmos is essential for reclaiming any spiritual truth in this scientific age.
- Those interested in Ayurveda – You will see the same qualities of nature reflected over and over again in the timing of Vedic astrology.
- Those interested in holistic living – The universe is the source of “holistic”,.. astrology is the study of that universe.
- Those interested in meditation – Learn the daily secrets and reflections for meditation each day and within the other cycles (Sun and Moon)
- Those interested in politics and world affairs – You will see world events discussed and described from an astrological view. This gives the events themselves a higher frame – and also shows how cosmic energy takes form here on Earth.
Sam’s service is remarkable! It helped me so many times, especially to find my job right now. I am more interested in the transits and Sam’s positive ideas of interpretations to understand my situations and others inner processes better and being able to support them along their growth.
It helps me understand my life, myself and others… It definitely brings me a lot of important knowledge to improve your life and cope with the difficult moments
Sam has paved the way for all astrologers in this technological age. He has made astrology easily accessible to everyone and in a way that clearly relates the celestial cycles above to our day to day experiences on Earth. Bravo
3 Courses That Can Shift Your Life Today
Course #1 Read Your Chart – Template and Video $97.00 VALUE
Use this template to learn how to read a chart. This is the exact template I use in readings and that I give my advanced students.
These templates are pure gold. These are the same ones I use when I do readings.
For years I only share this with my most advanced students, but now you can get these keyword templates.
In addition, I made a 50 minutes video where I go over this template, using actual charts so you can se it for yourself.
Course #2 – Foundations of Astrology – 4 Hrs. – Value $120.00 USD
Video #1 – “Spirit Takes Form”
How does astrology actually work? Why are the planets seen as Gods? How are you and everything in creation a microcosm of divine genius? All of these questions are answered. 90 minutes
Video #2 – “Deeper Meaning of Planets, Signs and Houses”
Building upon the first video, “Spirit Takes Form” I assess how the planets express their feeing nature (through the signs) and how those signs fall at certain places to produce the things in our life. 90 minutes
Video #3 – Organizing Information For Chart Readings
An intense look at focusing and synthesizing the important parts of chart reading and streamlining / prioritizing chart analysis. I do an in depth case study of Angelina Jolie – her personality, profile – marriages, adoptions 90 minutes
My friend and colleague Jeffrey Armstrong remarked about these classes:
“I have been doing jyotish for 41 years and I have seldom met anyone as eloquent and keen in their descriptions as this man. He is really top flight. So you can learn the vocabulary and how to talk about these things from this man.”
These classes were recorded at a conference where people paid close to 500USD to attend. I was one of several speakers. But the Real World Value of these classes is more than 100USD
These are 3 Foundational Vedic astrology classes that start with the case to be made for how and why Vedic astrology works, Scientifically.
From the age of the Solar System (4.5 Billion years), indicates how “Spirit Takes Form” – to Exactly how that nature filters down in to out mind and consciousness.
Then, exactly how that nature filters down into our life and the actions we take.
There is also a great case study of Angelina Jolie.
Course #3 – Quantum Vedic Astrology 3 Hours – $49.00 Value
In this three hour lecture I break down universal
In this three hour lecture I break down universal principles of Vedic astrology, and how they directly relate to our brain, or more specifically our three brains. We all have and in a reptile, an inner monkey, and an inner human. These directly correlate to the 3 Gunas. These three brains form our cognitive biases, which filter down through the RAS, as the reticular activating system.
It is this part of the brain that turns our psychological karma into physical actions. It is this brain that creates our physical world out of the quantum possibility that exist before. On the quantum level, all possibilities exist. It is our attention and energy penetrating the field of oneness that collapses the infinite possibilities of the moment into the concrete realities we experience.
I know it’s crazy. but you also get access to 14 days of Daily Forecasts and the Full Member Site
Again – For Only .50 Cents!
Check out the Member Site Details Below.
Who Is This For? – Will You Benefit?
3 Awesome Bonus Courses
Recap/ Value:
You Get
1. Daily Forecasts
Value 60USD
2. LIVE Video Check-ins
Value 80USD
3. Moon Forecast
Value 20USD
4. Sun Forecast
Value 20USD
5. Discounts on Courses
Value 100USD
6. Knowledgebase
Value 49USD
7. Facebook Group
Value 19USD
8. 3 Bonus Courses
Value 97.00
$445USD / Month
.50c Now - 39.95 in 14 days
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