It’s really important to understand how our karma evolves, to the different kingdoms of nature and consciousness. From the animal, to the human, to the God domain. This mirrors the personal, relational and spiritual. I break all this down in today’s video.
Get these 6 Hours of Classes You Get in This Special Bundle of Classes
Integral Astrology Special
These 3 Courses perfectly complement each other – first showing what astrology and your Karma actually are. Then showing how they relate to Yoga, Ayurveda and Western Sciences of neuroscience and Quantum physics.

Yoga, Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology
DAY 1 – 6 Hours of Video Classes
You will learn:
- How and why astrology works. This is crucial if you are going to take your understanding of life and astrology to the next level
- The Spiritual and Scientific basis of astrology.
- How to evolve the sacred qualities of life in you. You must be able to do this, otherwise your life will feel meaningless.
- How Karma actually works and how much / what you can actually change.
- How to transform anger into discipline
- How to elevate your relationships and desires.
- Much more

Quantum Vedic Astrology and Neuroscience
2 Hour Audio and Extensive Manual
You will learn:
- How the principles of yoga have formed your brain, psychology and habits. This is really important for you to unwind spiritual confusion.
- How to evolve beyond your “inner chimpanzee” and your “inner reptile”. This is necessary for you to Get out of your own way!
- How these” emotional blind spots” become your “karma”.
- How your karma creates your external world on the quantum level, the level of pure energy.
- How your karma and energy are “entangled” with every other creature in existence.
- Much more.

Spiritual Astrology Master Course
Nakshatra Deities and Manual
You will learn:
- How the Nakshatra’s focus our attention toward a deeper, spiritual nature. This is important for you to connect to a more transcendent part of your life and existence.
- Each myth and story for each individual Nakshatra. Note the mythology behind every section of the sky allows you to always stay connected to mystical forces that are not so obvious day today.
- The great “story arc of creation” at the beginning of the zodiac. Some version of this creation myth is common to all ancient cultures.
- much much more.
3 Courses That Can Shift Your Life Today
Course #1 – Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology- 6 Hours – $97.00 Value
What good is a belief, if it’s not backed up by information and science?

I will discuss these sutras among other things:
“The Jivatma portions from the Grahas take births, as human beings and live their lives according to their Karmas and again merge in the Grahas.”
,… and why we should STUDY Vedic Astrology, not just get readings.
“The one, who knows of all these, will become versed in the knowledge of the past, present and future. Without a knowledge of Jyotish these cannot be known. Hence, everyone should have a knowledge of Jyotish, particularly the Brahmin”.
Course #2 – Quantum Vedic Astrology 2 Hours – $47.00 Value

In this three hour lecture I break down universal principles of Vedic astrology, and how they directly relate to our three brains. We all have an inner reptile, an inner monkey, and an inner human. These directly correlate to the 3 Gunas. These three brains form our cognitive biases, which filter down through the RAS, as the reticular activating system.
It is this part of the brain that turns our psychological karma into actions, then creates our physical world out of the quantum possibility that exist before. On the quantum level, all possibilities exist. It is our attention and energy penetrating the field of oneness that collapses the infinite possibilities of the moment into the concrete realities we experience.

Course #3 – Spiritual Vedic Astrology Course- 2 Hours – $47.00 Value
The nakshatras are primal, mystical forces in astrology that refer to the distant stars or star clusters. They are even more basic than the zodiac signs and planets themselves.

The Nakshatras and Spirituality
The Nakshatra’s are the most “Vedic” part of Vedic astrology. They are from the Vedas, and they refer to the ancient deities of the sky.
Every planet in your chart also resides in a Nakshatra, with an entire story and mythology behind it.
These personal myths are essential to understanding a hidden, cosmic potential, not seen in the regular astrology chart.
in this class I described all of the Nakshatra’s, their deities, and the important stories and myths connected to each one.
I know it’s crazy. but you actually get close to 10 hours of classes, from 3 of my most transformative Courses ,…
Again – For Only $9.47 Cents!
Check out the Details Below.
Course #1 – Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology
6 Hours – $97.00 Value
~ Origin of Life and Astrology
~ Sacred Astronomy
~ Planets as the energies of God in You
Course #2 – Quantum Vedic Astrology
2 Hours $47.00 Value
~ Eastern and Western Sciences
~ Astrology, Karma and Your Brain
~ How Your brain creates the world
Course #3 – Spiritual Vedic Astrology Course
2 Hours – $47.00 Value
~ Deities of the Vedic people and sky
~ Your “Personal Mythology”
~ Overview of all Deities in Vedic astrology
